
Knights of the old republic icon
Knights of the old republic icon

Telos, from the second game, got a mention in Catalyst.The planet Ordo, home to Canderous Ordo, was mentioned in Scum & Villainy as the original home of Dryden Vos’s rally master lance (another pull from the game).Manaan was given as their homeworld in Alien Archive, and a criminal syndicate led by a Selkath in Return to Vader’s Castle was named the Firaxan Syndicate after the shark species in the game. The Selkath appeared in The Clone Wars and their history as pacifists was also mentioned.Naturally, Malachor from the second game and its status as an ancient Jedi/Sith battleground was a big part of Rebels.Aftermath alluded to the devastation of the planet from the game. Taris has popped up in a wide number of sources and senators for it in three different eras have appeared in film and TV.The name “Lehon” for the planet was mentioned in one of the Choose Your Destiny Mini-Missions, which also alludes to the Rakata having been the ones to make Tatooine a desert. Rakata Prime, the last planet that you visit in the original game, appeared on the map of the galaxy in the The Force Awakens Visual Dictionary.For this post in my latest series examining aspects of a work that have found their way into canon, I decided to look at Knights of the Old Republic and some of its related media, one of the most popular works in Legends.

Knights of the old republic icon